At Calvary Counselling, Dave offers a variety of services to fit your needs.
Individual Counselling
Dave offers Adult and Youth Counselling.
(Please note that Youth counselling is determined on a case by case basis).
Couples / Relational Counselling
Relationships can be challenging, and counselling can be an incredible tool for resolution, and growth.
Dave offers workshops for groups and businesses looking for:
- Effective Communication Skills
- Workplace Wellness
- Men’s Issues
- Faith Based Issues.
Workshops are determined collaboratively with prospective consumers on a workshop-by-workshop basis.
Please note: GST may be applicable. It will be determined by the scope of the workshop.

From Calvary’s Counselling Intake & Informed Consent form
Dave believes that “counselling” is a relationship where he and the participants co-create a belief that there is enough safety present to take one or more risks; and the support within that relationship will foster a deep understanding that supercharges the sense of empowerment to look to the future and see that change is possible; and that, that one choice is on you to actively pursue actualization…or not.
Therapeutic risks may include evoking strong emotions or difficult memories, and/or activate unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours (or a combination of all three). These unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours may conceptualize, or trigger additional unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours possibly creating a “downward spiral”.
Those who successfully navigate the risks of counselling affirm that they found the process of Counselling to be productive. Productive actualizations may include gaining personal insights, learning new and positive ways of being (e.g. coping with more of a sense of individual confidence or to actively address life’s common dilemma’s with curiosity).
Instested In Booking A Workshop?
Looking for further information, or options for you corporate for group workshop?
Individual Session
50 Minute Session- Internet Counselling
- Telephone
- Face-To-Face
Couples Session
1 Hour 30 Minute Session- Internet Counselling
- Telephone
- Face-To-Face
Initial Consultation
30 Minute Session- Internet Counselling
- Telephone
- Face-To-Face